
A woman of her time, the future.


Dolores Carrasco was born in Bollullos Par del Condado in 1929, to a humble family of small meat retailers. When she was 11 years old, she had to leave school to work in the butcher's shop located in the local market. At 16, her parents set up their own business.
For 12 years, Lolita, as everyone used to call her, worked with great tenacity, kindness and humaneness in a world full of economic and social inequalities. She courageously managed to make her way in a repressive, male-dominated setting.
Lolita was admired by everybody who knew her, thanks to her professionalism, independence and solidarity with the most disadvantaged.


Aged 28, her family obligations as a married woman forced her to abandon her career but she never restricted herself to the dependent homemaker's role.
After 15 years, she returns to her profession as a butcher. As a mature woman (48 years old), while teaching the ropes to her two children, she fights against the obsolete commercial laws of the Franco regime. Her struggle benefited the whole butchers' guild of the town.


Her political and social restlessness, alongside her popularity, led her to be elected as a councillor of social welfare with the Communist Party of Spain in 1979. Lolita became the first female councillor of Democracy in the town's history. Throughout her political career, she confronted the authoritarian attitude of some male leaders.
She left the Communist Party and joined the Socialist Party. At 75, tired of the excluding policies of both parties, she created an independent party, which would fail in the polls. However, Lolita would never lose her sense of public vocation.


But the surprises did not end here. At nearly 70, she founded the Association "Mujeres Unidas" (United Women), the first feminist organization in Bollullos, of which she was the president and a role model for years.


Aged 65, already retired, Lolita decided to enrol in the local Adult Education Centre to enhance her poor academic training and obtain the Primary School certificate, which she eventually did, to the satisfaction of her teachers and her own. Despite lacking formal training, Lolita was really a bookworm who would attend as many concerts, theatre plays or lectures were held in her town. As an anecdote, she even read philosophy books, making surprising notes in the page margins.


Lolita was a very beautiful woman in her youth, but her inner beauty was even greater. Currently, she is 89 years old and most of her memories have been erased by senile dementia. Currently, she only reads television headlines, remembers the Andalusian couplets that she used to sing so beautifully and she says that politics is what she likes more than anything in the world. She hates the Right, fascism and dictatorships and continues to define herself as 'a woman of the Left'.